Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I love Wednesdays is sooo quiet in my house on Wednesdays! Wednesdays Owen and Brett spend the whole day at daycare!

Now don't get me wrong I LOVE my kids, all of them. But, well if you have a couple of small boys you will understand just what a precious thing QUIET is!

Put a 2yr old and a 4yr old boy together and yes you get a lot of things to make you laugh and smile but you also get a lot of NOISE!

I love this one day a week that I can do things for ME! Yes normally I start out by doing the shopping but I also often have a browse through the warehouse just for ME. Yes I normally do some housework but I also have time to read some emails and forums and perhaps even sometimes SCRAP - during the DAY! Even when I have a website to do it still feels like time for ME because even if it is something I am paid to do, it's also something I enjoy doing. Frankly I enjoy doing anything in peace and quiet these days .....

well no shopping today as hubby didn't get his pay yet (payday is officially today but he usually gets paid tuesdays) so a little bit of housework and a lot of time for ME.

Some people may read that that and think i'm a little selfish but I think that time for me makes me a better Mum - less prone to frustrated bursts of yelling when I trip over a childs toy (or a child)...and it isn't just a day for me - I still have my baby at home and we can spend a bit of quality time together too - but he still sleeps a lot so quality rather than quantity.

ahhh just drink in the quietness, I can actually hear birds singing


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