Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I am the Bitch from HELL

first thing in the morning at least!

Corey kept me up most of the night - so it was never going to be pretty.

Owen and Brett come in around 7ish asking for, no DEMANDING a mistake they have biscuits in their hands which means they helped themselves - a very bad habit I have been trying to break them out of and thought I just about had! So Mummy growled all morning til I had them bundled in the car for daycare.....Hubby wants to know why mummy is in such a foul mood?
Once upon a time when we only had one little boy and I was very pregnant he used to get the boy ready and drop him at daycare letting me sleep in. Once upon a time when we had two little boys, one of whom was still breasfed he continued to get big boy ready and drop him off so I could sleep in a bit. Once upon a time when we had two boys going to daycare he used to help me get them ready and drop them off....when big boy started to chuck wobblys about going to daycare then I started to have the car so we could both drop them off together (easier and faster) and still he helped me get them ready most the time, then some of the time and now well he straps them into the car but I get 3 boys and ME dressed and sometimes breakfasted....and he wonders why I was grumpy as hell after not a lot of sleep...........deep breaths.......ahhhh i'm over it! (might be a result of all the QUIET i've enjoyed today)!


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