Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A year in review

I was pondering about the year just gone (ok it is a scrapbooking LO challenge) and I realised that last year was truely an AMAZING year for my family! I started by trawling through the years photos to help me think about the events of the year.....
In 2005 Brett (aged 18months) finally learned to WALK, he also learnt to talk , single words and now full grown sentences of 5-6 words, he also learnt to run and climb and kick and throw (still working on jump).
In 2005 both Owen and Brett learnt the concept of 'mine' (at the same time god bless them)!
In 2005 Owen made HUGE gains in language...from 1-2 words to full sentences and so much more. He learnt to express emotion, pain, fear, happy, sad etc. (a big thanks to Therese his speech therapist).
In 2005 I discovered I was pregnant (which was a bit of a shock) and had another beautiful baby boy. He has learnt to smile and I'm sure will be rolling over before long.
In 2005 we decided to convert our garage into a spare room/computer room/scrapbooking room and after MANY dramas and MANY months we finally got it done!
In 2005 we made the tough but CORRECT decision to rehome our dog Rufus and he is much happier with his new family...meanwhile my boys are LOVING the backyard!
In 2005 my Gran passed away, and proving life goes on, in 2005 my youngest brother got married.

and that was my year...

so roll on 2006 I wonder what it will starts at the end of this month, I can't believe my baby is off to kinder already, doesn't seem that long ago that I held him in my arms for the first time.


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