Saturday, September 02, 2006

some days life is just grand!

yesterday started out like any normal friday with early morning swimming lessons...a frantic rush to be ready and at the pool stupidly early! Once there I could relax and enjoy the look of pure delight on Owen's face as he just adores his swimming lessons. Also chatted easily with the other boys mum (there are 3 in the class but one ahs been away for a couple of weeks). While there the admin woman told me they were ready for Brett to start when we come back from our holiday so that was exciting news. Two boys swim at the same time in the same place but with different instructors - how ace is that! oh well back to yesterday...
Speech therapy had been cancelled (by therapist) so next stop was the plaza for breakfast and to do some shopping - got that done and boys had been pretty good but were gettng bored and I was starting to get a little cranky but not too bad it was such a beautiful spring day that surely helped!
So then off to the council where we waited and waited and waited...all worth while that little trip saved me HEAPS of dosh so left there pretty happy. Got home to a reality check - i needed to feed he kids and me and then get the house tidy - had let it go a bit - for people coming over in the evening.
Like someone sent from angels a friend turned up saying her daughter wanted to have friends come and play - could she borrow owen and brett and could she have some pjs because she would just bring them back when she came later for the aromotherapy party that night all ready for bed!
So boys had FUN playing...mummy wasn't cranky....Corey had a sleep...I got the lounge and kitchen tidied beautiful AND still had time for a shower and a flick through my new stampin up catelague and some dinner before the people arrived.
Had a very relaxed evening and then a long chat with a friend i havne't seen in a while. Did my email checks etc and got to bed at 2.30am just as corey was I fed him and then got a full FOUR hours of uninterrupted sleep - bonus before the kids all got up again....sounds bad but i got up fairly easily and today i have been neither tired nor grumpy - ok so I might have used some refreshing face spray but if that is contributing to my mood then i think I'll have to use it daily!

Its a beautiful sunny day and I have been blessed with 3 beautiful boys who even remember their nice manners sometimes...

oh and i love their enthusiasm...told them it was 3 more sleeps til we go to see granma - owen started pretend snoring and then stopped, started & stopped a couple more times then told me he'd had 3 sleeps and he was ready to go to granmas house! beautiful.


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