Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Saw surgeon - had even told the kids it would be a long wait...walk in empty waiting room in and out in 20minutes!

verdict...tricky, very tricky. Basically there is an extra 'flap' of skin that needs to be removed but just doing so without due care there would be a good chance of cutting off the circulation to other areas...nasty very nasty. Will be waiting a long time before next op..how long? no idea! Paddy says that by the time it has grown enough to be ready to op then Owen will WANT to have it done (as in by then he will know it is 'different') so I guess one less thing I have to try to explain ...for now. Not looking forward to the discussion the day he realises his IS 'different' but deal with it when it comes....the good news is that Paddy is still confident of a 'good result' in the long term.

other news - business cards are ready for printers woohoo DebF is a bloody marvel!
and I lashed out and ordered new bras (from the states cause I am size bloody huge) so they should be hear by xmas...by which time Corey will be well and truely weaned too! now must stop spending up!


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