Thursday, January 19, 2006

blah it's hot in here!

...but not complaining too much.

I am making progress on getting myself in order. Straight after this post I'm going out of here - my scraproom (otherwise known as my haven, the spare room, the computer room, the garage or 'the little house - kids)! On my way out I'll be locking the door and not coming back until at least after the kids have gone to bed!

Anyway we went for a walk this morning and I posted a couple of long overdue parcels...a couple more to go but I seem to be lacking the addresses which I will have to chase up.

I have all the paperwork for top50 pretty much in order. Have put up two new ads today and have one more I'm waiting on a file from someone so getting top50 organised now. The other website I'm working on also made definite progress today - because I got organised and worked my way down a list.

After our walk the boys had a nice cold bath and we had some lunch and read books. Owen's favourite atm seems to be 'green eggs and ham' which is fine with me because I've always liked that one...also I keep reminding him that at the start of the book he thought he didn't like green eggs and ham but at the end when he tried it he found out it was really you have to try it before you decide you don't like it don't you (yes mummy)!

Anyway as I said it is bloody hot in here and I have some things to do inside so I am off.

Am planning to cook buckwheat pancakes for dinner with hamsteaks, pineapple, bananas (fried) and favourite meal from the pankcake parlour - hope dh likes it.


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