Monday, January 16, 2006

Update on Owen

Owen was back at the peadiatrician today to check on his developmental delays. While I was there I also had a good chat to the Dr about his asthma. I was a bit concerned about the speed the gp had written out a script for a preventer when I had really only asked for a ventolin puffer as opposed to the ventolin syrup which I was having trouble getting into him (ie he would throw it up on purpose if I forced him to drink it)! Anyway a very posative discussion and pead totally agrees with me. So in future he will have the ventolin puffer when he needs it only and paed will review him in May to see how he is going - will put the flixotide away for now.

In regards to the delays dr is very happy with his progress but at the same time is adament that it would be best for him to do 2yrs of kinder and that he really is not expecting his speech to be good enough to comfortably hold his own at school. Apparenlty funding for aides etc has to be applied for in June so he wants us to get a firm idea from kinder teacher before then and he will see us in May but 2yrs of kinder still looks to be the plan. This is fine as would rather he didn't start school until he was ready for it anyway. I am very concerned that an inability to adequately communicate in school could lead to social isolation, low self esteem and depression so I am happy for him to do 2yrs of kinder!
Actually the paed is FANTASTIC - I loved him from the moment he first explained hypospaidis to me when Owen was a day old so am happy that when we needed a pead again we found him again!

oh and I put my first banner up at top50 this afternoon, easier than I thought it would be and very exciting........have you noticed the new top50kits list yet?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jude email me privately about the integration. there are some new things afoot in the dept of education which might interest you.

8:50 pm  
Blogger Jodii said...

Hi jude just found your site, hope everything goes well with Owen and i agree you don't want to send him to school before he is ready

9:37 am  

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