Friday, January 20, 2006


well it seems that the heat isn't ALL would appear to be the one thing in the world that puts the brakes on my two big boys! They have spent a lot of time inside and a lot less time running and making excessive amounts of fact I almost miss it - if I wasn't so bloody hot myself.

Had a bit of a stress/panic myself this morning! I went to update the front page of to show the date for the next cybercrop and I went and lost all the bloody images didn't I! left it in frustration for a couple of hours then came back looked again and got it all worked out - without having to run to gabbie for help's a relief as I was beginning to think I was an idiot!

now if i can jsut get my printer to download my photos to the computer like it used to I will indeed be happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The heat has been extreme. We spent yesterday sitting in the kids paddling pool. It just sucks the energy right out of you. Lots of wasted hours vegging when I could have been scrapping.

Are you getting any smoke from the fires. We are completely covered in smoke up here. Stinking the house out. We had five fires close to us on Saturday. Thankfully they put them out.

Congrats of top50.

3:31 pm  

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