Thursday, July 06, 2006

I got a gold star...sortof

Well I worked out how to be in several places at once today. I skipped playgroup and I got a friend to pick up Owen so I could go to my post op checkup - took the other two with me. So we park car (eventually) in 2hr limit...we go in a little early for my 10.45am appoitnment...expecting it to be a longish wait...these things always are..

Guys sees boys and says he will put a note that I have little ones with me in an effort to be seen faster....didn't work (or at least heaven knows how long I would have been there if otherwise). Got chatting with lovely man (cause Corey was smiling/laughing at him) 12 start to think about finding out how long as I may have to go move car. Nurse asks my name, says it has been there for AGES and 5 min later I'm seen woohoo! Dr says I get a gold star for healing so well (but not to overdo it in the next couple of weeks as muscles still knitting back together - wonder if that is easier because my muscles were so bloody slack in the first place lol)! She didn't actually hand over my gold star though...I was robbed!

Got out of there and back to car then realised that I didn't have friends number to call her...she wasn't home yet (with Owen) so came home (should have jsut waited) oh well boys fell asleep and she says wait til they wake up then go get HEAPS of work done as they slept for like 4hrs!

Big weekend of scrapping coming up...cybercropping at this friday night....come and check it out with thanks to our sponsor !

Lots of plans which will hopefully be set in motion over the next few days....pop into top50 and introduce yourselves...dont' forget we are giving away tickets to sydney paperific show too!


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