how did the week just fly by like that!
dinner out was lovely and then I came home intending to join in the cybercrop and scrap but somehow jsut didn't get there. I did manage to do this one the next day though.

So now I'm meant to be cleaning house for the birthday party on sunday....but as usual i'm procrastinating...I have started though!
And I've organised party bags, wrapped presents and painted up some cardboard number 3s to decorate the wall with!
Gotta love the 3yr old bday party....I missed all this excitment when Owen turned three because he had only just started to string 2 words together. Brett on the other hand is really quite verbose (don't know WHERE he gets that from) lol! He is VERY excited...even about the paper plates with happy birthday on them...but mostly about having a 'thomas party' ...I think I'm looking forward to his birthday as much as he is at this point! Roll on Sunday.
oh and plumber was great, didn't cost a fortune but tap isn't done yet (i'm not silly it actually WAS A bit more complicated than it should be but he will come and put the new one in after i get my tax return -he did give me a quote) and I LOVE having a dishwasher - man it is AWESOME even the really grotty stuff came out SPARKLING!
well best I get back to the grindstone. When the little one wakes up I'm off to the plaza again, gotta get some more plaster attaching thingo whatsits to put up my ikea rail/holders in my scraproom...and need black icing too for the bday cake...