Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Quick update

grumble grumble grumble....

we have a 12gig limit and after that we get speed limited til the end of the month

normally we dont' even use 2ig

but steve has been downloading yugioh and crap and suddenly my internet is very very slow - very hard to run a website/business with slow internet so I am grumbling.

on the up side my cc (low interest) has been approved and tomorrow I'm going to go look at cars with a view to having one home very very soon - next week if the cc is here by then. I'm looking at wagons around the $3k mark so nothing real flash...probably a commodore, falcon, manga or camry. Off to Footscray tomorrow to look as there seems to be a few around. took a camry for a test drive yesterday - was happyish but a few niggles/noises and a littel bit of smoke and had done 330,000kms mechanic said to take it back i can do better....so am gunna see what i can get ....should be able to get something with less than 200000kms apparently.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Where did the time go?

wow 5 months already! I haven't scrapped the 5month LO yet but thought I would share the ones I finally got finished today...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Grumpy Mummy

You know what?

I think I've been trying to do too much!

I have been very very Grumpy of late. When I had that week-long attack of gallstone pain I kinda let the boys fend for themselves a little as I wasn't coping too well, and now we are still paying the price. Boys that get into stuff they shouldn't the minute you turn your back, toilet training backsliding and just general type stuff that has been driving me up the bloody wall! I've been going nuts and I have been GRUMPY!
Today I got a call from daycare to pick Owen up as he had been through his 3 changes of clothes and was uncomfortable with nappy rash (from refusing to depart with his wet undies yesterday grrr). It was 4pm and I'd had a busy day rushing here and rushing there and had just decided I was going to have an hour for ME before I did the pick ups when they called....so I was GRUMPY......mummy from hell.......and I stopped for a minute and had a chat with the lady at daycare and calmed myself down...perhaps being able to express my frustration helped I dunno but Owen and I went home. We were half way home when he got very distressed and started talking (too fast and not opening his mouth as usual so took a while to grasp what he was saying) but he was saying that we forgot someTHING! What did we forget Owen? BRETT he yells rofl! Well how to say that I had to come get him because he was wet and sore?! Swallowed my grumpy answer and said that I was going to give Corey a bath and I needed him to help me. So he 'helped' me to give Corey a bath (wish I could have taken pics but wasn't sure it was safe to let go long enough). Then we got them both dressed and picked hubby up - posted the home loan documents (woohoo should be settled in 2-3 weeks now)! and then picked up Brett and came home.

Am proud of myself for swalling the grumpy cow once.....but I need to banish grumpy mummy for good and remember to take time to enjoy my kids more before they are all grown up and gone! Soooooo

I've been trying to declutter my house of late and really think it is time to declutter my life a little. Some people may have noticed that I have slowly withdrawn from a scrapbooking forum (not top50 it is still a big part of my life and likely to stay that way).

I have also officially resigned as a rep for AED. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at AED and I thank Alison and Maynard sooo much for the marvoulous opportunity - it was a lot of FUN!

I am trying to spend more time with my kids and less time on the pooter during the day. Also trying to turn the tv off more and DO things.....like cooking and arty stuff and I think we might go into the city (maybe after the com games are over and things settled down a bit) to go to the childrens garden in the botanical gardens and the melbourne museum....and maybe we can make the day in the city with Sue et al an anual autumn event?!

speaking of which can you believe it is autumn already!?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Egg Sandwiches & Why

a few days ago I was really feeling like an egg sandwich - so I boiled up some eggs and some for me and the boys for lunch...well they were a hit...went to make boys some lunch today - feeling lazy I say do you want peanut butter sandwich or vegemite....no mummy I want a egg sandwhich please was the reply with the sweetest smile a 4yr old monster boy child can muster.....so lazy me still in my pjs (on account of i washed everyone elses clothes except mine) boiled eggs and we made egg sandwiches again (now i like mine mashed with butter, a squirt of lowfat mayo, salt, pepper and parsley mushed in - no butter on the bread and i was out of lettuce too bugger). But oh some things are worth the effort as we sat together and had a lovely lunch and the boys even ATE their CRUSTS!

ever find yourself saying/doing something and wondering why? Like why am I teaching the kids that cause I know it is going to drive me insane? Yep that's it...my 4.5 yr old Owen has not learn the magic word 'why' as yet and so, after discussion with his speech therapist I am TEACHING him Why? Why of WHy? am I doing that.....? I know that he will soon be bombarding me with why mummy why? and I will be going up the wall....all the time knowing it was self inflicted as I taught it to him!

Jude needs...

well saw this on some friends blogs and thought I'd have a look - apparently the idea is to type in your name and 'needs' in google and see what comes up so apparently ...

Jude needs consoling ? hmm don't think so
Jude needs another hat...lol not really a hat person
Jude needs volunteers...hmmm for what housework? gardening? lol
Jude needs someone to dedicate some time to her ... that would be nice - scrapping?
Jude needs a good smack in the head - oh come on now that isn't NICE!
Jude needs to stop submerging herself in household matters and give herself a little time to find out who she really is again. ummm really - and who may i ask is going to keep the kids fed and clothed and toilet trained etc while i 'find myself' rofl
Jude needs HER job...well I love my 'job' so thats cool
Jude needs counselling - um gee thats a bit personal isn't it lol

lol i think thats enuf!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

tagged - got there eventually

sorry Sue - I did see that I had been tagged...but was busy at the time and kinda forgot so here you go...

What scrapbook lines/products etc do you dislike?
um well dare I say I much prefer junkitz to basic grey, and I'm really not a huge fan of Urban Lily either
What is the hardest thing you ever had to scrap?
not sure on this one - I tend to find scrapping therapudic so if I'm having a hard time with something emotionally then scrapping helps....eg I scrapped a LO of Gran the day she passed away.
What technique do you use more than anything else?
umm dunno - does the 'about that measurement system' count as a technique? I tend to go through phases a bit - have been leaning to the clean and simple look of late but it will change soon.
What is the smallest scrap of paper you save?
Totally depends on my mood and the state of my scrap drawer - it is soooo full at the moment I have trouble putting it away so about to bin a heap of it from the bottom i reckon!
Have you ever had any scrapping related injuries?
hmm a pretty deep cut in my thumb cuttting the back off a button - but it was ok as I didn't bleed on the LO!
Finish this sentence, “If I wasn’t a scrapbooker/stamper, I would spend my money on…
books and movies.............certainly wouldnt' have saved anything either lol!
Give your best storage or organizational ideal.
ummm what does organised mean?
You just won a week long scrapbooking cruise for 5. Who is going with you?
Only 5 hmmm dunno thats a hard question - am I allowed to cope out?
When you received your first publication notification, who did you tell?
everyone!!!! I couldn't beleive it - I'd sent it with an email saying something like 'I'm sure mine are no where near good enough but thought I'd send them now quickly before I have time to talk myself out of it' rofl!
Now I would like to tag….
ummm dunno think everyone might have had it already

another weekend.......

I Know commonwealth games are on but I am just not really paying any attention - or not much. I have been busy with website stuff - almost finished a project I should have finished at least a month ago now so will be a nice sense of accomplishment.

Should be working now but thinking Imight have the night off and do some scrapping or something - even if it is just to journal on 4-5 LOs that are waiting for me to finish off with journalling...although i have some cool stamps I wouldn't mind playing with and some coasters i need to do for a swap - if they haven't vanished that is!

steve knocked off work early today and finished tidying the lounge room (i did quite a bit on it this morning) so that was a nice surprise - then realised it was probably because his mates are coming over tomorrow for a bbq and yugioh.

Owen sang to me yesterday in the car - it went something like this....
I see red lights
I see green lights
I like Mummy's house
I play outside

He told me it was 'MY SONG' lol ....very cute.....he has been singing lots lately which is just amazing.......

oh and my little excitement for the day he said 'MILK' yeah i know not very exciting but it took a good 10-15min of encouraging/nagging to turn it from gilk to milk so woohooo go Owen!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Well am not stressing anymore.....!

Blog is back!
Half of top50 is back working
other half I am just going to pay a programmer to fix - gabbie showed me a very useful site to find a programmer to fix stuff and doesn't look to be terrribly expensive so should be fixed by the end of the weekend woohoo!
bank have formally approved loan after the valuation (which came in about where i thought perhaps at the higher end of the range I thought). just waiting to see if they will reconsider the extra for a car (was asking for $15K ....downgraded plans to an old commodore so only asking for $3k now)
skip coming tomorrow to do major clean up inside (already pretty much done and bagged up waiting for skip).
Steve is going to dig out about 1 foot of dirt (and weeds) from the garden (well weed) bed which we will eventually (hopefully next week) fill up with sand (put weedmatt down first) so boys can have a sandpit! woohoo! we've been planning it for ages so will be thrilled if it goes ahead. Unfortunately it is going to be quite hot so not 100% hopeful.

The boys have been slighlty better at the whole food thing lately - like they are starting to get the concept that we eat at mealtimes not 24 hrs a day 7 days a week! It will be a slow learning curve i think.

In exciting news - brett insisted on undies on wednesday and went a whole day at daycare accident free (meanwhile 4yr old owen had 2 accidents lol) effort was not repeated yesterday and today he wanted a nappy - we arne't pushing him any progress is good though!

well that was a very very boring post but the website issues have been doing my head in....now with it all farmed off to people who know what they are doing.......i can have my head back again. so i promise the next post will be more exciting.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

In the dark no one can hear you scream


Top50 is playing up with a few technical problems I can't seem to work out at all. I'm having minor hassles on another site i'm trying to finish and now my blog says i am forbidden from accessing it ................I can write all I like but I can't read it and it seems no one else can either !


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


well I had a great weekend even if I wasn't terribly productive. It was just nice to getaway and lovely to meet some more online friends too.

and now it is back to business....I have been taking waayyyy tooo long to get a site up and running so am ploughing in big time now. should be up and running by next week with luck. At the same time I have decided it is time to get a skip and clear out all the crap in the house and back yard so will be ordering a skip for the weekend and hopefully we can get the 'weed bed' cleared out and turned into a sandpit for the kids too. HAve been having a BIG declutter so have heaps of stuff bagged up and ready to chuck in and I reckon I could add a fair bit more too.

Due to the commonwealth games school/kinder finishes early this term - so only one day of kinder to go before term ends - I know that owen will be sad that kinder is having a break as he is just loving it at the moment.

A couple of girls I haven't seen in a while are coming over to scrap tonight - I was going to do some work but when they invitited themselves I simply couldn't say no as I really would love to see them again - and besides i need to scrap some more as i didn't do much on the weekend!

so told steve to get dinner on the way home and come 7.30 will be out here scrappin with the girls!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

What the hell!

I had been planning to finish my sales repping yesterday but my wonderful big sis invited me out to lunch instead so I said 'what the hell' and went!

She bought lil Corey the cutest toy horse rattle. I had visions of Owen pinching it as he told me the other day that 'woody sad, woody got no horsy' so when I found a gorgeous soft toy horse for $15 I said 'what the hell' and bought it...of course then I had to buy something for Brett and for Corey too but 'what the hell'......found some magnetic kiddy locks which i'm hoping will keep the kids out of the cupboards while we teach them that you don't eat 24/7 but at regular meal times (and snacks like morning and afternoon tea).

I had been thinking of going to the Very Special Kids Getaway (scrapbooking retreat) this coming weekend but steve works sat and I wasn't sure that taking Corey was fair to the others and money and ...and something else well...then steve comes home and says not working saturday but no yesterday decided finally not going to go. Decided instead to sleep in scraproom (have a bed in here) on friday night withCorey so i get a sleepin and scrap all night. So went to scrap shop and spent the $ that I had found to maybe to go the getaway 'what the hell' was fun and i have lots of new goodies lol!

got home to find top50 down and email down arghhh!
but get a message on yahoo saying 'come, bring corey its ok' arghh but spent money! juggle juggle juggle .....'what the hell' and now woohooo I'm going on the getaway! am so excited!

now just to get top50 back up and running again and my house ready for valuation this afternoon!