Saturday, September 30, 2006

a little bit pathetic

how pathetic is this....dropped the boys off at Daddy's house - hit the supermarket, got takeaway for one. Came home and watched an episode of gilmore girls (I decided the other day to treat myself to season 2 on dvd but when I went on they were on a great sale so I spent an extra $14 and got 2 & 3) while I ate and now I'm here at the pooter and going to scrap all alone again....just the same as I do nearly every night that I am home with the kids. I didn't even bother to try to invite anyone over this time...pathetic huh?! oh well life goes on. Am going to go turn the music up (at least I don't have to keep it down so I can hear the kids) and scrap!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

tulips and tonsilitis

We went to see the tulips at the tulip festival yesterday.

Despite a niggling sore throat all day and one small episode of carsickness (a nearly 5 year old boy on the freeway) we had a lovely day...

The boys loved the windmills and just running amongst the flowers. WE had packed a picnic and so then we indulged for afternoon tea. Possibly the BEST slice of cheesecake I've ever had (and that is saying something because my big sis makes a mean cheesecake)! butterscotch - had to share a bit with the kids too cause it was more than I could eat.

Stopped by at Jens on the way home and she took some more awesome pics of my boys - particularly my little blue eyed Corey James!

By the time we hit werribee twas late and my head/ears/throat hurt so I drove through maccas and got the kids some dinner, whcih they ate then went to bed...they were asleep very fast after such a long (but totally fabulous) day. I'm so glad that we took the trip out there it really was awesome...I will post some pics later.

So this morning I felt pretty crap so I took the big boys off to daycare and then me off to the doctor...tonsolitis...have some antibiotics and was actually feeling fairly ok this afternoon but back to tired and blah to bed least the antibiotics will knock it in the head, am glad I went to the dr (usually i would put it off as long as possible) lol....

so here's to a nice quiet day at home tomorrow...gotta work on owen's speech stuff - whcih will be fun with my voice coming and going lol...ah well thems the breaks!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

tooth is out

ahh what a relief it was no where near as bad as I thought it would be...only problem is some idiot thought she would leave her phone calls til this afternoon didn't she? bit hard to talk on the phone with a mouth full of gauze! still another half hour or so should see that ok again. Two more appointments in November...slowly but surely getting there!

and the real exciting news...I actually started to get my Layouts sorted into albums this morning...just a bit - all of corey's are in his albumand I've started to pull out owens...did i mention I'm redoing my albums as in putting things into themes a bit ...and i got a couple of new ones last weekend....will get there eventually - it is a huge undertaking...

Oh and I'm going to an all day scrap on October 15th in maidstone Victoria....with Trish...scrapanalia consultant..woohoo what fun it's been too long since I had a day out scrapping with lots of company!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

OMG where did 3 whole weeks go!

wow! can't beleive it has been so long!

anyway after the *&**** accountant left the practice without bothering to lodge my return I wasn't sure if I would have enough dosh for my holiday so I decided to have a sale! Well bloody hell it went well and I have been working my huge butt off getting all the work done ever since...still have a couple to finalise.

Also got the big TREASURE HUNT up and running at - go check it out as there are 5 AWESOME prizes to be won (prizes drawn at random from correct entries - you have til 15th october to get your entry in)!

The holiday was awesome! Just a nice relaxed week with Mum and Dad and my brother Steve! Kids were pretty good on the whole - great for the drive there and not too bad on the way home either! The show was a touch on the cold/windy side but was still a lot of fun...Owen however is a WUS (ok we already knew this) and Brett is a little daredevil! We took a ride on popeye and went to the zoo and we did a bit of shopping - including scooping up some bargains!

Since we got back it's been more work and stuff AND swimming lessons - Brett had his first lesson and it occurred to me (yes i'm a bad mother) that it was actually the first time he had ever been IN a swimming pool AT ALL! But they had him sitting on the edge of the pool and diving in! he LOVED IT! (but sadly camera hadn't been prewarmed and hence didn't actually work - fogged up) will try again this week!

I've been doing a little bit of scrapping even which has been fun as i've neglected it of late...

in fact the only downside to this evening is that i'm off to the dentist tomorrow to have the remnants of a molar pulled out (the wisdome tooth has already come half through where the molar was and there isn'tmuch left so it is NOT going to be pretty)! here's hoping it comes out without too much grief (and that i don't get lectured too much)!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

some days life is just grand!

yesterday started out like any normal friday with early morning swimming lessons...a frantic rush to be ready and at the pool stupidly early! Once there I could relax and enjoy the look of pure delight on Owen's face as he just adores his swimming lessons. Also chatted easily with the other boys mum (there are 3 in the class but one ahs been away for a couple of weeks). While there the admin woman told me they were ready for Brett to start when we come back from our holiday so that was exciting news. Two boys swim at the same time in the same place but with different instructors - how ace is that! oh well back to yesterday...
Speech therapy had been cancelled (by therapist) so next stop was the plaza for breakfast and to do some shopping - got that done and boys had been pretty good but were gettng bored and I was starting to get a little cranky but not too bad it was such a beautiful spring day that surely helped!
So then off to the council where we waited and waited and waited...all worth while that little trip saved me HEAPS of dosh so left there pretty happy. Got home to a reality check - i needed to feed he kids and me and then get the house tidy - had let it go a bit - for people coming over in the evening.
Like someone sent from angels a friend turned up saying her daughter wanted to have friends come and play - could she borrow owen and brett and could she have some pjs because she would just bring them back when she came later for the aromotherapy party that night all ready for bed!
So boys had FUN playing...mummy wasn't cranky....Corey had a sleep...I got the lounge and kitchen tidied beautiful AND still had time for a shower and a flick through my new stampin up catelague and some dinner before the people arrived.
Had a very relaxed evening and then a long chat with a friend i havne't seen in a while. Did my email checks etc and got to bed at 2.30am just as corey was I fed him and then got a full FOUR hours of uninterrupted sleep - bonus before the kids all got up again....sounds bad but i got up fairly easily and today i have been neither tired nor grumpy - ok so I might have used some refreshing face spray but if that is contributing to my mood then i think I'll have to use it daily!

Its a beautiful sunny day and I have been blessed with 3 beautiful boys who even remember their nice manners sometimes...

oh and i love their enthusiasm...told them it was 3 more sleeps til we go to see granma - owen started pretend snoring and then stopped, started & stopped a couple more times then told me he'd had 3 sleeps and he was ready to go to granmas house! beautiful.