Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm NOT ready....

Owen has his first day at kinder tomorrow - he is very excited and his backpack is ready to go. He only goes for two hours with the transition timetable but he can't wait. Meanwhile I can't find my chequebook to write a cheque for his kinder t-shirt & jumper. His clothes are laid out and ready (trying to teach him to get himself dressed in the morning) but mine are still in the dryer. I do have my camera batteries charged but I have to make sure it is in the house ready to go. But really a transition start to ease you into kinder and still he has to be there at 8.30! Ok I can do it surely - I can get one kid ready and out the door by 8.15am surely, well 2 kids if Corey is due for a feed but really just one. Poor Brett though I think is going to be quite sad, I keep telling him that he isn't going to kinder but I'm not sure he believes me. It appears he has developed a 'determined' streak!

Well I guess I had best turn the computer off and go pack MY bag for my first day of kinder in the morning.........I can't believe my baby's all grown up!


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