
where did January go? It seemed to vanish too fast. It came to me last night while looking at some pics that oh my goodness Owen is FOUR and about to start kinder.....oh yes I know some of you will be thinking that hell he was four in october what are you talking about dear but I guess that I was busy having a baby and while we had a party and presents and taught him he was four now well it just didn't HIT me at the time how grown up my big boy, my first baby had become. Yesterday we went to buy a new drink bottle and lunch box and a new backpack and some new sneakers all for Owen. He was very excited and he wanted RED (well Mummy shouldn't have left it so late do you know how hard it is to find a red lunchbox the week school starts back)! But we are now armed with a blue and red backpack with cars on it, a red lunchbox, a red drinkbottle and shoes with red on them and red flashing lights (well he really wanted RED shoes and they weren't THAT expensive lol)....not only is my little man about to start kinder but he has a favourite colour now...when did that happen...just in the last week or two!
And then we were off to speech therapy again today for the first time since xmas and finally after a little over a year of speech therapy Therese has said that it is time to start working on his sounds (when he started we were mostly trying to work on getting him to actually SPEAK, then to join words to make sentences, we've worked on concepts of boy and girl and in and out etc etc) but now we are working on actual sounds and getting them right!
man....4 already....next week I'm sure he'll be waving L plates and asking for car keys!
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