Monday, February 06, 2006

It's coming out soon

I went to see the surgeon today in two minds. Part of me (having felt good for a week) thought that if he didn't think it was urgent well it mustn't be urgent let it go (the part of me that is terrified of the thought of surgery that is)! The other part of me was thinking about mentioning that I have 3 kids to look after and can't afford a repeat of last week - ie can't live on panadiene forte or be in constant pain.........I didn't get a chance to say much before he looked at me and said it has to come out soon. He then went on to explain why. He was VERY VERY good, as in reassuring and understanding etc which was great. Says small stones (like I have) are more dangerous because they move about and cause problems elsewhere etc etc. So I'm off for more tests soon (hopefully Monday) to see if there are stones where they shouldn't be (apart from in my gallbladder) and then if that is all clear he will give me a date for the op 'weeks not months'. If there is a stray stone then I have to have two ops (one to get the stone and another for the gallbladder - apparently they have to be done separately - bugger)...I forgot to ask but I gather if that is the case it will be pretty quick too. So there that's it....have to have it done, no way out.....lets just hope the tests come back ok as one op is more than enough.

oh and Owen loved kinder, had a great day - he did a painting guessed it 'RED' he didn't bring it home time.

and repping - well that was fun but dh had problems giving Corey a bottle which is a worry for the surgery. Not sure what is going on there as it is the 2nd time he has had problems but other people have had no hassles giving him a bottle - dunno if he is playing up for daddy or daddy is just doing something funny?! gunna have to sort it out though as can't take Corey when I go in for tests and he may need to be bottle fed for a day post op. Surgeon couldn't give me a straight answer on that one but said to talk to anethisist at pre admission clinic.


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